Audition Information

Upcoming Auditions

Auditions for our 25-26 season will be posted here in the fall.

Audition Tips

Here are some tips to help you start preparing for your audition:

1. Familiarize yourself with the show! Read the script, listen to the music, watch samples of performances on YouTube, and thoroughly read all of the audition information, including the character descriptions, that has been provided. 

2. Ask yourself: Which role(s) do I see myself in? Which role(s) do I think the directors will see me in? Consider all of the possibilities! 

3. Choose a song and a monologue that captures the essence of the characters that you would like to be considered for.

4. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse. Perform your pieces in front of your loved ones and ask for feedback to help you improve your audition and increase your comfort.

5. Memorization is required. It will help you really get into the character without the limitation of having to read your lines!

Audition Requirements

1. A Song

- The song that you choose should show off your talent! Try and pick something that highlights the best parts of your voice and range. It is also helpful to sing a song similar to a song sung by the character you are hoping to be cast as.

- Must be from a musical (or movie musical), and not be a song that you sang in a previous SCA show

- You must sing with a backing track with no voices in the background. Please have the music ready on a device to play along with you during your audition. We will have speakers 

2. A Monologue

- A polished monologue gives you a chance to show off your acting skills and demonstrate your connection to the production. The goal is to fully commit to the words you are speaking so that we can see how well you can deliver lines.

- These sites have monologue ideas: 

3. Vocal Test

During your audition our musical director will do a range test with you. This is when you will show how low and how high you can sing, how well you match pitch, and how high you can belt. We will guide you through it.

We do auditions early to get a head start on learning the script. Once the cast is posted, you will be given a digital script to start memorizing, so come February, we can dive right in. Having your part memorized as early as possible helps us cut down on rehearsal time, with the hope that it also cuts down on conflicting schedules. We will need your participation on this!